
Clyde is in the centre of the driest, hottest and coldest area of New Zealand.
The annual rainfall is 300mm (12 inches) of rain.
The humidity is generally very low and the hot days of summer are very manageable.
Similarly in winter, after a hard frost, the days are frequently sunny and dry.
Sometimes it snows, but it is usually just a few centimetres. Fog often hangs around and if it stays longer than a few days it causes a hoar frost which provides a beautiful display of ice hanging on trees and buildings.

For photographs in the various seasons visit Promote Dunstan

N.B. If you access the Rain Radar site you might find that you cannot move from Time slot to Time slot to view the predicted rainfall. This is a fault in Internet Explorer 8 and can be remedied by going to the page then using your Explorer Tools menu and selecting Compatability View. That seems to fix the problem.


(C) 2009 Promote Dunstan : Website designed by Worsfold Software Ltd